Presentation of the ACCIÓ coupons for the competitiveness of the company.

  • Additive manufacturing and 3D printing
  • Advanced manufacturing and robotics
  • Artificial intelligence
  • Cybersecurity
  • Photonic
  • Smart connectivity
  • Supercomputing
  • Transversal services
  • Monday, 06 May 2024 From 09.30 a.m. to 13.30 p.m.
  • Free

Would you like to define a roadmap in terms of internationalization, sustainability or digitalization? Do you want to develop sustainable solutions for your company? The ACCIÓ coupons for company competitiveness are the tool you need to make it possible!

Come to the presentation to learn about the new call for ACCIÓ coupons, direct grants of up to 20,000 euros to focus your strategy or undertake business transformation projects.

A unique session for exceptional grants that allow you to transform your company through the advice of ACCIÓ accredited suppliers.

Sign up and discover the modalities for next year:

  • Strategy coupons for industrial companies: Up to 8,000 euros to identify and prioritize initiatives to be exploited or areas of opportunity to be explored to ensure the company’s future competitiveness.
  • Industrial and intellectual property coupons: Up to €3,000 for the contracting of an advisory and guidance service to suppliers accredited by ACCIÓ that allows companies to have industrial and intellectual property registrations and to have studies that allow them to exploit them or to obtain them in the medium term.
  • Advanced digital technologies coupons: Up to €20,000 to test, experiment and validate the use and application of advanced digital technologies through the use of infrastructures of the Digital Innovation Hub of Catalonia, to apply them later to the business project.
  • Green Coupons: Up to €8,000 to incorporate green technologies, make an environmental diagnosis, define the sustainability strategy, the technological roadmap to achieve climate neutrality, a more circular model or establish an action plan to mitigate or adapt to climate change.
  • Grants for European R+D+I Programs: Up to 12,000€ to obtain specialized advice to prepare proposals for European collaborative research, development and innovation programs.
  • Export initiation coupons: Up to 8,000 euros to design an international promotion plan or subcontract an export manager to manage the company’s internationalization process.
  • Cupons International e-Trade: Up to €6,000 to analyze digital presence, establish an international digital strategy and design an action plan for digital channels.

Don’t miss it!

Objectiu de l'acte

Inform you of the characteristics of the 2024 call for ACCIÓ coupons for the competitiveness of the company.


T'interessa si ets...

In general, a company with an operational establishment in Catalonia. Each type of coupon may have different audiences.


  • 9.30 h


    Joan Romero, Executive Director

  • 9.40 h

    Strategy coupons for industrial companies

    Enric Bayó, ACCIÓ Business Model Manager

  • 10.15 h

    Industrial and Intellectual Property Coupons

    Glòria Serrano, Senior Consultant of ACCIÓ's Intellectual Property Department.

  • 10.45 h

    Cupons Green

    Maite Ardèvol, leader of ACCIÓ's Sustainability team and Leonardo Bejarano i Manjón, head of the Catalan Office of Climate Change.

  • 11.30 h

    Advanced digital technologies coupons

    Sandra Pérez, leader of ACCIÓ's Industry 4.0 team

  • 12.00 h

    Coupons for European R&D&I Programs

    Jennifer Ruiz, team leader of ACCIÓ's EU R+D+I Programs.

  • 12.30 h

    Export initiation coupons

    Cristina Fabián, Senior Consultant for International Growth and Entities

  • 13.00 h

    International coupons eTrade

    Elena Antonijuan, International Growth and eTrade Team Leader

  • 13.30 h

    End of the session

  • Attention! We have concentrated in a single virtual session the information of the different modalities of ACCIÓ 2024 Coupons. Register and check the program: you can decide whether to follow the whole session or connect to the block you are most interested in.