Digitalizing SMEs via Emerging Technologies

  • Transversal services
  • Thursday, 14 November 2024 De les 16.00 h a les 17.00 h

The adoption of emerging technologies can enormously benefit small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in a variety of ways. It allows to achieve competitive advantage through the creation of new value proposition, impacting the SMEs’ traditional revenue and cost structures. Yet, despite the willingness of companies to embrace digital transformation, they often have a blurry understanding of how to start. As for the EU Commission’s data, only 55% of European SMEs have at least a basic level of digitalization (target: at least 90% by 2030), indicating that almost half of SMEs are not availing of the opportunities created by digital.

This online session aims to explore:

  • How industries are being transformed by recent technological advances.
  • The benefits of adopting emerging technologies and their influence on SMEs’ business model.
  • The instruments available to encourage the adoption of emerging technologies.

The webinar will be led by Sandra Sieber, Professor of Entrepreneurship at IESE Business School, and opened by Mar Martinez, Associate Director at the Entrepreneurship and Innovation Center. Professor Sieber has extensive experience working with executive audiences in Europe, North and South America, Asia, Middle East and Africa. She has taught, directed custom programs, and consulted with multinational companies, including Oracle, BBVA, La Caixa, Banco Santander, Telefónica, Vodafone, Komatsu, Olympus, Boston Scientific and Desigual. She regularly advises early-stage start-ups, incubators and investment funds on issues of business model and technology design

Objectiu de l'acte

  • Com s’estan transformant les indústries gràcies als recents avanços tecnològics.
  • Els avantatges d’adoptar tecnologies emergents i la seva influència en el model de negoci de les PIMEs.
  • Els instruments disponibles per a fomentar l’adopció de tecnologies emergents.

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