Course in Artificial Intelligence (AI) – Introductory Level : machine learning with Python

  • Artificial intelligence
  • Monday, 24 February 2025 - Monday, 17 March 2025 12 hours of autonomous distance learning (theoretical contents to be done before the virtual classes) .12 hours of synchronous virtual classes on 10/03, 12/03, 17/03 from 16:00 to 20:00h.
  • Subsidized training

This course provides an introduction to machine learning, from its fundamentals to its application with Python. Students will learn key concepts, explore its uses and ethical challenges, and work with real data to train models. Through hands-on practice, they will develop essential skills to implement data-driven solutions.


Objectiu de l'acte

The main objective of this Artificial Intelligence course is to introduce participants to machine learning with Python. Python is a programming language widely used in web applications and machine learning (ML) development, both considered fundamental pillars of Artificial Intelligence in the current context. Throughout the course, students will acquire a solid understanding of the key concepts of machine learning and their practical implementation in Python.


T'interessa si ets...

People currently working and people in active job search who are interested in the field of artificial intelligence and its practical applications with Python.