Building Information Modeling (BIM) is a working methodology based on the use of coordinated, coherent and computable information related to the physical and functional characteristics of a building or infrastructure. BIM facilitates interoperability and collaboration between the different agents involved in the construction process, since it offers them a platform for decision making based on reliable and shared information during the entire life cycle of the building from its conception to its demolition.
Revit is a software that allows the user to design with modeling and parametric drawing elements. BIM goes beyond CAD, since it allows a design based on intelligent objects and in several dimensions: 1D, 2D, 3D, 4D (time), 5D (costs), 6D (sustainability) and 7D (Facility Management). In this way, Revit provides a complete bi-directional order association. A change in any part of the model means an instant and automated change in all associated documentation.
Knowing the modes of object selection and modification operations. Create and work with different levels and views, creating and editing all the basic elements of the components of a building (floors, walls, roofs…).