Neàpolis as an associated entity of the Intelligent Connectivity node of the Digital Innovation Hub of Catalonia (DIH4CAT) invites you to an introductory session of the services and support offered by the project. The DIH4CAT aims to promote the technological transformation of Small and Medium Enterprises (with special focus on industrial sectors and technology suppliers), technology start-ups and public entities. These services are subsidized by the European Commission and the MINTUR.
If you have technological challenges in the field of AI, intelligent connectivity, cybersecurity, additive manufacturing and 3D printing, advanced manufacturing and robotics, photonics or supercomputing, do not miss this session. We will also present the next activities that will help you to prepare your proposal to access these services and more!
Are you ready to start innovating in your company? Sign up!
An introductory session to know the services and support offered by the project.
If you have technological challenges in the field of AI, intelligent connectivity, cybersecurity, additive manufacturing and 3D printing, advanced manufacturing and robotics, photonics or supercomputing, do not miss this session.