Thursday, November 30, from 11:30h to 13:30h at Eurecat Amposta (Amposta)
Advanced manufacturing, robotics, additive manufacturing and 3D printing are revolutionizing the industry from many perspectives. If you want to better understand what each is and how it is applied in various production environments, this day is key to understand it.
The session is led by Magí Galindo (Leitat) and Daniel Serrano (Eurecat). It is structured around the following points:
1) Welcome and presentation
2) Advanced Manufacturing and Robotics [Daniel Serrano, Eurecat].
3) Additive manufacturing and 3D printing [Magí Galindo, Leitat] 4) Examples and use cases [Magí Galindo, Leitat].
4) Examples and use cases
Jordi Giné, Fablab Terres de l’Ebre
Marc Crescenti, Reinforce3D
Eric Barreda Lab 3D of the Hospital Virgen de la Cinta
5) Q&A and Networking session