Small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) can gain a lot from adopting emerging technologies in several ways. This may enable to develop new value propositions, optimize cost and revenue structures, or establish a competitive advantage.
However, despite businesses’ enthusiasm to embrace digital change, they frequently lack clarity on how to achieve it. According to data from the EU Commission, only 55% of European SMEs are at least somewhat digitalized (the objective is at least 90% by 2030), meaning that almost half of SMEs are not making use of the potential that digital has to offer.
This online session shed light on:
The webinar will be led by Thomas Klueter, Professor of Entrepreneurship at IESE Business School. He holds a Ph.D. in Managerial Science and Applied Economics from the University of Pennsylvania, an MA from the University of Pennsylvania and the University College Dublin, and a BA in Science from Duale Hochschule Baden-Wuertemberg. The session will be opened by Josemaria Siota, Executive Director at the IESE’s Entrepreneurship and Innovation Center.
How established and emerging firms manage technological change, how to scale your business and financing strategy in these environments, and how to develop and commercialize new technologies.